[L'àmbit de la memòria]
per a G.
el meu poema
no és la meva veu
sinó la teva
aquesta hora en la tarda
buida de paisatge
recolzada en un paper
et penso
i sento que el temps
no ha dut cap consol
les hores llargues
immòbils davant
obliden el curs
per on transcorre
la teva absència
errant entre els camps
l'ombra d'un núvol
que passa
oblida els colors
com una tardor
en dansa
tot és fet d'oblit
de tu i per tu
però jo et recordo
i t'escric
conjugant amb mots
la vida que et manca
Kikar Dizengoff, 8.3.2008
[The Environment of Memory] (translation)
my poem / is not my voice / but yours
This hour in the afternoon
empty of landscape
leaned in a piece of paper
I think you
and I feel that time / has brought no consolation
the hours / motionless / in front of horizon
forget the course/ through which
your abscence elapses
wandering along the fields
the shadow of a cloud / passing by
forgets the colors / like a dancing autumn
everything seems made out of oversight
of you and for you
but I remember you
and I write you
conjugating in words / the life that you lack
Dizengoff Square, 8.3.2008
Selected poems.
[Texts by Moisès Fernández Via in Spanish, Catalan and English]
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