[I have seen you] (translation)
To G.
it has been a moment at dusk
conversation was taking the errant course
where light transits -
decreasing within the shadows
that foretell the sunset
the air conjugated by words
beat uncertain
in a mirror of foreign sounds
perennial efforts
to calm the anxiety
of having to understand
the rushing night
concocted stars impatient
to through herself into the windows
and with the weight of darkness
clouds crawled
plying in the sky
their fingerprints
everything was a desire
to turn incombustible
the afternoon]
to finally resign words
for an instant flooded
in the secret cadence of silence
[Oblidar els ulls]
per a G.
oblidar els ulls
fer dels peus una memòria
per la certa ruta
negar l'horitzó
descendre les profundes escales dels temps
he caminat
després de tu
he traçat el vell camí ambdós peus
però ho he fet d'esquena
després de tu
he negat l'horitzó
les rutes
i els ulls que no volien
no veure't
Selected poems.
[Texts by Moisès Fernández Via in Spanish, Catalan and English]
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 Unported License.
it has been a moment
at dusk]
when suddenly
it has lit a spark
in the eye' iris]
a sudden outburst
like a deaf squael
empty of time
and words
for a moment at dusk
you have looked at me
and I have seen you
and the whole earth
became dumb
to witness our silence
Capellades, 4.9.2011