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voldria dir

que he après

que tot el buit de graons que s'ha estès

m'ha fet millor persona

però mentiria:



em vas donar el misteri del somriure

i segueixo baixant graons per comprendre'l





porta'm de la mà





és oblidar els ulls

i oferir els mots

en un pom  silent  que et diu


g r à c i e s



Capellades, 4.9.2012

[To forget the eyes] (translation)
To G.



to forget the eyes

to let feet become a memory

for the known path



to deny horizon

to descend the profound stairs of time



I have walked -

after you -

I have traced the old path with both feet

but I did it backwards



after you
I have denied horizon

the routes

and the eyes that did not want

not to see you


I would like to say
that I learnt
that all the vacuum of stairs that has spreaded

made me a better person

but I would lie:


you gave me the mistery of smile

and I keep descending stairs to understand it



take me by the hand



to think you
is to forget the eyes

and to offer words
in a silent bouquet that tells
t h a n k    y o u 


Capellades, 4.9.2012


Selected poems.
[Texts by Moisès Fernández Via in Spanish, Catalan and English]

Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 Unported License.

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