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sóc aquí

on res existeix

per trobar-me

i fer de tu

la promesa secreta

que duu el meu nom


allò que obliden els vents

ho duc a les mans

fins que la nit ho engoleixi tot




també el mirall 

de l'oceà

que és una fosa

on difuntes arriben les barques



sóc aquí

on ets tu

i amb tu

dins la negra nit


ser la tarda



seré aquí

on siguis tu

i amb tu

dins la negra nit

serem la tarda


Los Angeles, 22.6.2011

[Pacific Coast Highway] (translation)

to C.



I am here


under the condescension

of clouds

and the impossible

of delusional waves


against the winds

that confused


and forget their purposes



I am here

where everything gets lost

and forgotten

because nothing is

or can be

when it can be flooded

with beauty


when into oblivion -

fulfilled with promises -

a gesture is born

to be confused with the day

and again

the afternoon gets naked



I am here

where nothing exists

to find me

and turn you

into the secret promise

that bears my name


what the winds forget

I carry it in my hands

until the night swallows it all



Selected poems.

[Texts by Moisès Fernández Via in Spanish, Catalan and English]


Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 Unported License.



even the ocean's mirror -
a grave​

where all deceased
boats shall arrive]




I am here

where you are

and with you

in the dark night

we pretend

to be an afternoon





I'll be here

wherever you be

and with you

in the dark night

we will be the afternoon


Los Angeles, 22.6.2011


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